Late Periods and Acupuncture


Late Periods and Acupuncture

For a woman whose period is late and would like to help it get going, the two best modalities I have found are acupuncture and abdominal massage.


Many women I have worked on over the years often get their period within two or three days following the treatment. I had a woman text me 30 minutes after her appointment and said, “Well, that was quick! My period just arrived!” (She was 5 days past her usual start time)


There can be many reasons why the period is late, but in my clinical experience the primary reason is due to stagnation. The menses is not flowing because often the blood and energy of the body is stuck. Therefore, we must move it!


What causes the stagnation? Many factors, but the main ones include stress, suppressed or repressed emotions, cold, and not enough exercise.


First, I usually do lower abdominal massage with warm oil. This helps move the blood in the uterus, unblocks the arteries and blood vessels which pass through the uterus, and releases stuck energy (often due to emotions).


This is followed by acupuncture. I typically do points in the lower abdomen and legs. The most common points I use are Spleen 6, Stomach 36, Kidney 6, Ren 4 and 6, Stomach 25 and 30, and Zi Gong.




Interview about Chinese Medicine and Depth Psychology


Interview about Chinese Medicine and Depth Psychology

Read and listen to my interview with Bonnie Bright, founder of Depth Psychology Alliance, in conjunction with Pacifica Graduate Institute. In this interview I discuss the intersection of Chinese medicine and depth psychology and my current Ph.D. research on scents.

To read the full article, click here.

Listen to the full audio interview here (approx. 29 mins)


Who Needs a Body Anyway?

Who Needs a Body Anyway?

In this essay I have attempted to explore the lure of humans becoming machine-like, as well as the terrifying aspects of this evolving intimacy. The relief from loneliness, the escape from one’s own stressful mind and emotions, easy avoidance of people and the hint of immortality are tempting. However, the movement away from an embodied, empathic, creative and authentic self seems like a horrible existence. The collective momentum towards integration between humans and machines poses some important questions and choices to be made. Yet before moving too far ahead we must become intimate with ourselves and question the life we want to live before we enter into a serious human-machine relationship.

Reflections on the Word "Depression"

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Reflections on the Word "Depression"

The word depression is depressing. “She suffers from depression.” When I hear phrases like this I am confused. What does that mean, exactly? Like all abstract terms, it requires further explanation. “She’s a good mother” is another abstract phrase. Ask ten people what a “good mother” is and you will get ten different responses. No two people can agree what it means. We need more descriptive language. Depression is typically used as a noun. A thing. But what we mean by depression is a feeling, a state of being, and of actions, or lack thereof. Adjectives and verbs.

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